FREE Access to Must-Read Chapters Chapter 1: The Cancer Genome Chapter 3: Hallmarks of Cancers

FREE Access to Must-Read Chapters Chapter 1: The Cancer Genome Chapter 3: Hallmarks of Cancers

FREE Access to Must-Read Chapters
Chapter 1: The Cancer Genome
Chapter 3: Hallmarks of Cancers

DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 11th Edition

Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., MD
Theodore S. Lawrence, MD, PhD
Steven A. Rosenberg, MD, PhD

The 11th Edition of this gold standard text keeps you fully up to date for the life of the edition. Every quarter, your eBook will be updated with late-breaking developments in oncology, including new drugs, clinical trials, and more.

Now updated quarterly for the life of the edition, DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology, 11th Edition, carries on a tradition of excellence while keeping you continually up to date in this fast-changing field. Every quarter, your eBook will be updated with late-breaking developments in oncology, including new drugs, clinical trials, and more. These quarterly updates ensure that your purchase remains fresh and relevant to your practice—a unique, living reference to enhance and improve your patient care.

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